

The Land of thousand Smiles with its colorful patchwork of modern cities dotted with orange-robed Buddhist monks, stunning coastline with white-sand beaches and ancient ruins.

Thailand is known across the globe as the country of golden temple spires and land of thousand smiles. With its colorful patchwork of modern cities dotted with orange-robed Buddhist monks, peaceful Buddhist monasteries, handicrafts sold by hill tribes, lush countryside with traditional farming villages, ancient ruins, and stunning coastline with white-sand beaches, deep blue lagoons, rich culture, history, and natural splendor, making it a popular tourist destination for people from all over the globe.

Several Hollywood films have featured Thailand as a setting, and Thailand’s world-famous sights appear time again in contemporary fictions. Seeing the Grand Palace, watching the sunset on Railey Beach, or even getting close to Phi Phi Don for the first time can shivers up your spine. The country nonetheless keeps its unique character despite the high volume of tourists, with its own distinct culture and history.

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